Many eminent personalities, all over the world, have time and again highlighted the greatness and importance of Tirukkural, the Tamil Veda, and more recently the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court in December 2022. A Division Bench of Justices R. Mahadevan and J. Sathya Narayana Prasad observed, “Tirukkural, a noble scripture written by the great Tamil Saint Tiruvalluvar, emphasises moral values and ethical codes that are indispensable for people in their private as well as public lives. Today, the world is facing many problems like theft of property and knowledge, rape, economic depletion, greed, alcoholism, intolerance, dishonesty, inequality, disrespect to elders, child abuse, and religious impostors etc. Thus, the need of the hour is to inculcate moral values by teaching Tirukkural to students in order to create a more tolerant and harmonious society.”

Book Author: Shri. Ramakrishna Prasad
Book Language: English
Publisher: விஜயபாரதம் பதிப்பகம்

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